Harrow Council is inviting all its residents that are currently accessing food banks or food hubs to fill in this survey.
The aim is to gather as much feedback as possible in order to have a clear picture of the needs in the borough.
The deadline is Friday 24 February.
This Saturday we would like to invite us to join us for a workshop and learn how to make “mărțișor”.
We will also tell you all about this Romanian tradition that marks the start of spring.
You can find us at Broadwalk Shopping Centre, Stattion Road, Edgware, HA8 7BD from 3-6pm. The community room is just across from Sainsbury’s.
This workshop has been founded thanks to the Winter Festival Fund granted by Barnet Council.
Sâmbătă 25 februarie vă așteptăm alături de noi să facem mărțișoare pentru a primi primăvara așa cum se cuvine!
Vom fi la Broadwalk Shopping Centre, Station Road, Edgware, HA8 7BD între 3-6pm. Camera este vizavi de Sainsbury’s.