Health RCCT
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Lung and Liver Cancer Awareness Videos
Last month we launched our two new clips made with the support of RM Partners to raise awareness regarding the lung and liver cancer. Amongst our community these type of cancers are predominant regardless of sex and this one of the reasons we chose to focus on them.
You can find the lung cancer awareness video here and the liver cancer awareness can be found on this link.
Also if you would like more information in Romanian
Cervical Screening Awareness Week/ Saptamana preventiei cancerului de col uterin sau cervical
Between 17 – 23 June 2024 is cervical screening awareness week here in UK. Having a smear test helps prevent cervical cancer from developing. Cervical cancer ranks as the 3rd most frequent cancer among women in Romania and the 2nd most frequent cancer among women between15 and 44 years of age.
If you would like to find out more information you can do so using these links:
Bowel Cancer Awareness Month
April is Bowel Cancer Awareness month and according to the latest statistics from OCDE it is one of the main cancers affecting the Romanian community for both men and women.
This is why on April 25 we are having representatives from Public Health from Brent come and give a presentations on how to spot the early signs and be aware of this type of cancer. The session will start at 1pm and it will be held at our Warm
Healthy Harrow Champions- take two!
We are preparing for the second workshop facilitated by dr. Silvia Gerea as part of our project Healthy Harrow!
We are looking for new volunteers who would like to make a change in their life and those close to them. Dr. Silvia Gerea is a skilled psychologist and gifted public speaker and this will be a new opportunity to attend her presentation for becoming a Mental Health and Wellbeing Champion. At the end of the course
Healthy Harrow Champions
Avem bucuria de a anunța că facem parte din organizațiile a căror proiect a fost finanțat de către Harrow Giving Grants. Proiectul nostru se concentrează pe îmbunătățirea sănătății mintale a membrilor comunității românești din Harrow.
Pentru a putea atinge acest scop, vom recruta voluntari care or deveni Campioni/ Champions ai sănătății mintale! Acești voluntari vor primi un curs intensiv de prim ajutor al sănătății mintale predat de către dr. Silvia Gerea. Silvia Gerea (AFBPsS,