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Workshop “Mărțișor”/ Atelier de mărțișor

Workshop “Mărțișor”/ Atelier de mărțișor

By rcct in News on February 22, 2023

This Saturday we would like to invite us to join us for a workshop and learn how to make “mărțișor”.

We will also tell you all about this Romanian tradition that marks the start of spring.

You can find us at Broadwalk Shopping Centre, Stattion Road, Edgware, HA8 7BD from 3-6pm. The community room is just across from Sainsbury’s.

This workshop has been founded thanks to the Winter Festival Fund granted by Barnet Council.

Sâmbătă 25 februarie vă așteptăm alături de noi să facem mărțișoare pentru a primi primăvara așa cum se cuvine!

Vom fi la Broadwalk Shopping Centre, Station Road, Edgware, HA8 7BD între 3-6pm. Camera este vizavi de Sainsbury’s.

Health and Wellbeing workshops for Romanian Community

Health and Wellbeing workshops for Romanian Community

By rcct in Health on September 22, 2022

Working with our community these past years it has become apparent the need for targeted workshops covering mental health and wellbeing. Our first foray was the walk and talk groups that still take place every Thursday morning. Thanks to the Health and Wellbeing grant from Harrow Giving we are now able to offer a series of workshop for the Romanian community facilitated by Dr. Silvia Gerea. The workshops will happen monthly, every third Saturday between 1pm-2pm. Besides the presentation they will also include an Q&A at the end. The first session will touch upon the importance of mental health and will take place on 24 September at Flash Musical Theatre, Methuen Road, Edgware, HA8 6EZ.

To allow parents to attend the workshops we will also have drama classes for children run by We look forward to welcoming our community members and seeing the impact these workshops will have on their lives.

In aceasta toamna lansam primele alteliere dedicate comunitatii romane pe teme de sanatate mintala. Aceste ateliere vin in completarea sesiunilor “walk & talk” care au loc in fiecare zi de joi dimineata. Organizarea atelierelor a fost posibila multumita grantului primit de la Harrow Giving iar psihologul roman Dr. Silvia Gerea va fi cea care va tine aceste ateliere. Atelierele vor avea loc lunar, in a treia saptamana din luna, intre orele 1pm-2pm. Prima dintre aceste sesiuni va avea loc sambata, 24 septembrie la Flash Musical Theatre, Methuen Road, Edgware, HA8 6EZ si va avea ca tema centrala importanta sanatatii mintale.

Pentru copii care vin impreuna cu parintii vom avea ateliere de actorie organizate de Asociatia

Pentru a participa la atelier tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa completati acest formular.

Asteptam sa vedem pe cat mai multi dintre voi la ateliere!


Cost of Living Crisis- Support, Advice and Guidance Services for Harrow residents

Cost of Living Crisis- Support, Advice and Guidance Services for Harrow residents

By rcct in News on September 22, 2022

The most vulnerable among are going to be the hardest hit by the increase of living costs this winter. Harrow Giving and Voluntary Action Harrow have prepared an extensive documents that includes all the support, advice and guidance services for the residents in Harrow. You can access the document here.

Pentru cei mai vulnerabili dintre noi, iarna aceasta va fi si mai grea. Pentru residenti din Harrow care au nevoie de suport, Harrow Giving si Voluntary Action Harrow au pregatit o lista completa cu informatii utile. Lista este in limba engleza si poate fi gasita aici.~


Information Session together with Citizen Advice Harrow & Harrow Law Centre

Information Session together with Citizen Advice Harrow & Harrow Law Centre

By rcct in News on July 19, 2022

We would like to invite you to join us next Tuesday, 26 July at 6pm for an information and Q&A session. Citizen Advice Harrow and Harrow Law Centre will be there to update you on the latest EUSS provisions and answers any question you might have. The session is free and will take place at Livingstone House, 102A Watling Ave, Burnt Oak, Edgware HA8 0LN. Join us!

Summer Fest – Made in Harrow

Summer Fest – Made in Harrow

By rcct in News on July 15, 2022

We are very excited to take part in the Made in Harrow Summer Fest! It is the second year of the event and this time promises to be bigger and better!

If you are available on Saturday 23 July, do stop by to say hello and come an try our Romanian crepes!

We look forward to welcoming you!

Barnet Faith and Belief Award- shortlisted

Barnet Faith and Belief Award- shortlisted

By rcct in News on January 27, 2022

It was our honour to be among those shortlisted as part of the first Barnet Faith and Belief Awards. Out of the four categories awarded on the evening, we were shortlisted for the “Outstanding Initiative in Response to Covid-19 Pandemic” and it was incredibly rewarding to hear our achievements mentioned next to so many other great community responses in Barnet.

Congratulations to The Faith and Belief Forum in Barnet for organising such a wonderful evening and of course a massive well done to the award winners: The Burnt Oak Community Food Bank, Together in Barnet, Baha’i Community of Barnet, The Paperweight Trust, MTO Sustainability and Shree Swaminarayan Mandir Kingsbury.

To read more about those nominated please click here.

Harrow Healthwatch & RCCT

Harrow Healthwatch & RCCT

By rcct in News on June 6, 2021

Începem săptămîna cu anunțul unui nou partenerial între RCCT și Healthwatch Harrow. Pentru cei care nu știu, la nivel local și național, Healthwatch se asigură ca vocile oamenilor să fie auzite de cei responsabili cu serviciile de sănătate și asistență socială.  Totodată, colaborează cu profesioniști, oferind informații utile pentru a îmbunătăți planificarea, furnizarea și sprijinirea asistenței medicale și sociale. 

Cu ce se ocupa Healthwatch?

  • Să afle experiențele celor care folosesc servicii de sănătate și asistență socială
  • Să afle care sunt barierele de care se lovesc oamenii când folosesc aceste servicii
  • Să ajute oamenii să aiba access la informație corectă și clară.

Ca urmare a noului nostru parteneriant puteți sș ne contactati la sediul nostru din Edgware, Flash Musical Theathre, Methuen Road, HA8 6EZ, pentru următoarele probleme:

  • Doctor
  • Spital
  • Aziluri de bătrîni
  • Asistente comunitare
  • Servicii pentru copii
  • Îngrijire la domiciliu
  • Sănătate mentala
  • Servicii pentru oameni cu handicap.


We are proud to announce our new partnership with Healthwatch Harrow which will allow our community members to voice their concerns about the health and social care they receive in Harrow. More details can be found on the feature photo.


Chestionar COVID-19

Chestionar COVID-19

By rcct in Health on May 18, 2021

Prin acest sondaj de opinie dorim să aflăm care este părerea rezidenților din Harrow și nu numai asupra vaccinului împotriva COVID-19. Sondajul face parte din proiectul RCCT susținut prin fondul Covid Awareness oferit de către Harrow Council și Harrow Giving. Prin participarea la el sunteți de acord cu procesarea datelor personale. Puteți accesa chestionarul aici.