Tag: lung cancer

Lung and Liver Cancer Awareness Videos

Lung and Liver Cancer Awareness Videos

By rcct in Health on July 10, 2024

Last month we launched our two new clips made with the support of RM Partners to raise awareness regarding the lung and liver cancer. Amongst our community these type of cancers are predominant regardless of sex and this one of the reasons we chose to focus on them.

You can find the lung cancer awareness video here and the liver cancer awareness can be found on this link.

Also if you would like more information in Romanian on cancer in general you can find them here and here.

Luna trecuta am lansat doua materiale video realizate cu sustinerea RM Partners prin care atragem atentia asupra simptomelor cancerului pulmonar si la ficat. In cadrul comunitatii noastre indiferent de sex aceste tipuri de cancer sunt predominante si aceasta a fost motivul pentru care am ales sa ne concentram pe ele.

Clipul pentru cancerul pulmonar poate fi gasit aici iar cel pentru cancerul la ficat poate fi vizualizat aici.

Informatii in plus legate de cancer pot fi gasite aici si aici

Nu ignora semnele date de corpul tau si viziteaza medicul de familie.