Bowel Cancer Awareness Month
By rcct in Health on April 15, 2024
April is Bowel Cancer Awareness month and according to the latest statistics from OCDE it is one of the main cancers affecting the Romanian community for both men and women.
This is why on April 25 we are having representatives from Public Health from Brent come and give a presentations on how to spot the early signs and be aware of this type of cancer. The session will start at 1pm and it will be held at our Warm Hub, Livingstone House, 102A Watling Avenue, Burnt Oak, HA8 0LN. Attendance is free and refreshments are also provided.
Luna aprlie este luna dedicate informarii despre cancerul de colon. Conform ultimelor statistici de la OCDE, acest tip de cancer este printre principalele cancere care afecteaza atat barbatii cat si femeile romance.
Drept urmare va invitam la sesiunea de informare pe care o organizam impreuna cu reprezentatii NHS din Brent pentru a va familiariza cu simptomele acestui fel de cancer si afla cum poate fi prevenit. Sesiunea va incepe la ora 1 si se va desfasura la Warm Hub, Livingstone House, 102A Watling Avenue, Burnt Oak, HA8 0LN. Intrarea este gratuita si oferim si mici aperitive.