This summer, on 23 June from 2pm, we will organise the first event of the Romanian Tennis Cup. The aim of the event is to promote sport as a means of wellbeing for our community members and showcase upcoming talents. For this event we have partnered with Colourfence and have planned a memorable day for those attending.
The entrance is free and the competition is open to all ages with prizes for the winners. BBQ and drinks will be available for a charge and the funds will be used towards the youth tennis programme. Depending on the number of participants we aim to have the following competition groups: men, women single and double as well as under-18 single and double. If you are interested in participating please contact
Pe 23 iunie de la ora 2pm vom organiza primul eveniment al Romanian Tennis Cup. Scopul acestui eveniment este sa promoveze sportul ca instrument pentru bunastare si sa descoperim noi talente in acest sport. Sponsorul acestui eveniment este Colourfence si pentru toti cei care vor participa planuim o zi memorabilia!
Intrarea este gratuita iar concursul este deschi tuturor varstelor cu premii pentru castigatori. Mancare si bauturi sunt disponibile contra cost in ziua evenimentului iar fondurile stranse vor fi folosite in programul pentru tinerii tenismeni. In functie de numarul de participanti dorim sa organizam concursuri pentru urmatoarele categorii: adulti barbati si femeii, single si double, copii sub 18 ani, single si double. Daca doriti sa va inscrieti va rugam sa ne trimiteti un email la
Working with our community these past years it has become apparent the need for targeted workshops covering mental health and wellbeing. Our first foray was the walk and talk groups that still take place every Thursday morning. Thanks to the Health and Wellbeing grant from Harrow Giving we are now able to offer a series of workshop for the Romanian community facilitated by Dr. Silvia Gerea. The workshops will happen monthly, every third Saturday between 1pm-2pm. Besides the presentation they will also include an Q&A at the end. The first session will touch upon the importance of mental health and will take place on 24 September at Flash Musical Theatre, Methuen Road, Edgware, HA8 6EZ.
To allow parents to attend the workshops we will also have drama classes for children run by We look forward to welcoming our community members and seeing the impact these workshops will have on their lives.
In aceasta toamna lansam primele alteliere dedicate comunitatii romane pe teme de sanatate mintala. Aceste ateliere vin in completarea sesiunilor “walk & talk” care au loc in fiecare zi de joi dimineata. Organizarea atelierelor a fost posibila multumita grantului primit de la Harrow Giving iar psihologul roman Dr. Silvia Gerea va fi cea care va tine aceste ateliere. Atelierele vor avea loc lunar, in a treia saptamana din luna, intre orele 1pm-2pm. Prima dintre aceste sesiuni va avea loc sambata, 24 septembrie la Flash Musical Theatre, Methuen Road, Edgware, HA8 6EZ si va avea ca tema centrala importanta sanatatii mintale.
Pentru copii care vin impreuna cu parintii vom avea ateliere de actorie organizate de Asociatia
Pentru a participa la atelier tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa completati acest formular.
Asteptam sa vedem pe cat mai multi dintre voi la ateliere!