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Outreach Event – Part of Greater Londoner Authority Democratic Participation Grants Programme

Outreach Event – Part of Greater Londoner Authority Democratic Participation Grants Programme

By rcct in News on November 22, 2024

On Saturday 9 November we held our first outreach event inviting members of our community to join us to find out how they can use their civic and democratic rights as well as to taste the winning cake of our vote – which is better: the Romanian “chec” or the English “cake”. Ahead of the event, to help us to spread the word and to encourage the Romanian community to vote we asked the popular food influencer Barbosu to share the initiative on his social media pages and promote the event.

Over 255 people on his Facebook page voted in the post comments and the Romanian chec was deemed the winner.

Everyone who visited us on the day got the chance to taste a fresh slice of chec, have their picture taken with Barbosu and find out more about getting their voice heard and getting involved in the democratic process. We were happy to find out that most of those we chatted with had registered to vote in elections held in the UK and we reminded them of the need for an accepted form of photo voter ID in order to vote in person.

Our project partners The Romanian Support Network and Romanian Mothers in the UK were also present on the day, and we look forward to our future outreach events.

This event was delivered as part of our civic and democratic participation project funded by the Greater Londoner Authority Democratic Participation Grants Programme.


Sâmbătă nouă noiembrie am gǎzduit primul nostru eveniment de informare în care am invitat membrii comunității sǎ afle mai multe despre drepturile lor civile și democratice și să deguste prajitura câṣtigǎtoare la votuli- care prǎjiturǎ  este mai bunǎ: checul românesc sau “cake-ul” englezesc. Înainte de eveniment și ca sǎ ne ajute sǎ rǎspândim mesajul şi să încurajăm comunitatea românească să voteze am colaborat împreună cu cunoscutul influencer Barbosu care a postat pe paginile lui de social media.

Doar pe pagina lui de facebook a avut peste 255 de voturi în comentarii și checul românesc a fost declarat câștigător.

Toți cei care ne-au vizitat în ziua evenimentului au degustat o felie de chec proaspăt, s-au pozat cu Barbosu și au primit informații legate de cum își pot face vocea auzita şi implica în procesul democratic. Am fost plăcut surprinși să aflăm că majoritatea celor prezenți erau deja înregistrați să voteze în alegerile din UK și le-am amintit de nevoia de a avea cu ei un act de identitate cu poză acceptat pentru a putea vota în persoană.

Alături de noi au fost partenerii noştrii din proiect The Romanian Support Network şi Romanian Mothers in the UK și aşteptǎm cu nerăbdare și evenimentele de informare viitoare.

Acest eveniment a fost livrat ca parte a proiectului de participare civică şi democratică acordat de programul de granturi pentru Participare Democratică al Greater London Authority.

New Partnership for Four Romanian Organisations- London Voter Registration Awareness Week launch

New Partnership for Four Romanian Organisations- London Voter Registration Awareness Week launch

By rcct in News on September 16, 2024

London, UK: RCCT CIC today announced a new partnership with Romanian Mothers in UK, The Romanian Support Network and Roma Voice Centre This partnership will embark on an 10 month long project which is part of Phare Three of The GLA Democratic Participation Public Awareness Campaign. The aim of the partnership is to raise awareness among the Romanian community of the voter registration as well as of the means to get involved in the democratic process outside of election.

“We are proud of the new partnership and aim to show that working together with other Romanian organisations we a can build a stronger community,” says Tudorita Poenaru, Director at RCCT CIC. “Our approach to collaboration with the project partners is based on our key principles: fairness, transparency, and accountability. The monitoring and evaluation tools developed as part of this project can be adapted by us and our partners to be utilised in their work in the future.”

“We look forward to learning from this collaboration as well as spreading the awareness around the voter registration among our community,” says Danut Burla, Director at The Romanian Support Network. “As a new constituted organization we welcome the guidance of RCCT in supporting our work.”

The benefits of this new partnership include:

  • Reach groups that are seldom heard and marginalised due to the barriers they are experiencing
  • Increase awareness of democratic participation outside of elections
  • Capacity building within the four partner organisations

About RCCT CIC: RCCT CIC has been working for the past six years to support the vulnerable Romanian community in North West London. We run a Food Hub and Warm Hub as well as providing wraparound support to our beneficiaries.

About Romanian Mothers in UK: At Romanian Mothers in the UK, our mission is to provide comprehensive support to Romanian mothers, ensuring their well-being and fostering an environment of growth and empowerment. We strive to create a community where mothers feel valued, supported, and equipped with the necessary resources to navigate the challenges they face.

About The Romanian Support Network: Our mission is to support vulnerable Romanian nationals and families in their most challenging times. We want to extend a helping hand to those who are facing financial and emotional hardships due to the loss of loved ones, the lack of identification documents, or the need for immediate essential supplies.

About Roma Voice Centre: Roma Voice Centre is here to voice the concerns of the Roma community, migrant and minority ethnic groups in the UK. We aim to build and actively sustain an equal and inclusive society, where the cultural and ethnic diversity is empowered and appreciated.

Lung and Liver Cancer Awareness Videos

Lung and Liver Cancer Awareness Videos

By rcct in Health on July 10, 2024

Last month we launched our two new clips made with the support of RM Partners to raise awareness regarding the lung and liver cancer. Amongst our community these type of cancers are predominant regardless of sex and this one of the reasons we chose to focus on them.

You can find the lung cancer awareness video here and the liver cancer awareness can be found on this link.

Also if you would like more information in Romanian on cancer in general you can find them here and here.

Luna trecuta am lansat doua materiale video realizate cu sustinerea RM Partners prin care atragem atentia asupra simptomelor cancerului pulmonar si la ficat. In cadrul comunitatii noastre indiferent de sex aceste tipuri de cancer sunt predominante si aceasta a fost motivul pentru care am ales sa ne concentram pe ele.

Clipul pentru cancerul pulmonar poate fi gasit aici iar cel pentru cancerul la ficat poate fi vizualizat aici.

Informatii in plus legate de cancer pot fi gasite aici si aici

Nu ignora semnele date de corpul tau si viziteaza medicul de familie.

Cervical Screening Awareness Week/ Saptamana preventiei cancerului de col uterin sau cervical

Cervical Screening Awareness Week/ Saptamana preventiei cancerului de col uterin sau cervical

By rcct in Health on June 18, 2024

Between 17 – 23 June 2024 is cervical screening awareness week here in UK. Having a smear test helps prevent cervical cancer from developing. Cervical cancer ranks as the 3rd most frequent cancer among women in Romania and the 2nd most frequent cancer among women between15 and 44 years of age.

If you would like to find out more information you can do so using these links:

Facts and Tips for Cervical Screening

Cervical Screening FAQs

Intre 17 si 23 iunie in UK este saptamana dedicata preventiei cancerului de col uterin. Numai avand un test Papanicolau se poate preveni aparitia dezvoltarii cancerului cervical. In Romania, cancerul de col uterin este al treilea cel mai popular cancer la femeii si al doilea cel mai raspandit intre femeile cu varsta intre 15- 44 ani.

Mai multe informatii in limba engleza legata de prevenirea cancerului de col uterin se pot gasi folosind link-urile de mai sus.

Join our team!

Join our team!

By rcct in News on May 21, 2024

RCCT CIC is recruiting for an experienced Monitoring and Evaluation Officer.

The role would include but not be limited to:

  • Detailed analysis of projects
  • Development of monitoring and evaluation methods
  • Implementation of monitoring and evaluation methods ad-hoc, weekly, monthly or bi-monthly as the projects demands it
  • Preparation of draft and final reports
  • Monthly meetings with directors to discuss performance per project and consultancy to improve delivery
  • Creating and implementing monitoring forms for evaluation of employees and volunteers


The role is suitable for freelance/self-employed specialist who can use their experience and make full use of the two days per week given to these tasks.



  • Experience of at least two years in a similar role
  • Strong computer literacy skills including proficiency to a high standard in Windows-based software packages including Word, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint
  • Ability to be patient and thorough when dealing with complex paperwork (relating to both the organisation and the project grants)
  • High levels of accuracy and sharp attention to detail
  • Excellent verbal and written English and Romanian language
  • Ability to engage positively and constructively with people at all levels
  • Strong organisational skills and efficiency
  • Ability to take responsibility for a project and see it through from start to finish
  • Ability to work to strict deadlines
  • Resilience to manage multiple demands whilst maintaining an organised work environment
  • Experience of working independently and delivering results

Personal Style and Behaviour

  • Loyalty
  • Integrity
  • Ability to relate to people with sensitivity and respect
  • Confidentiality, tact and discretion at all times
  • Calm nature
  • Willingness to be a flexible, helpful member of the staff team
  • Ability to use initiative and work independently
  • Desire to learn and ability to accept instruction
  • Passionate to make a difference working for a small but high-impact community interest company

The role is for one year.

Salary: £20/hour

To apply please email your CV and cover letter to by 28 May 2024

About us: RCCT CIC is a not for profit organisation based in Harrow which aims to assist and support the Romanian community. We also promote Romanian culture and traditions while helping our members integrate and be an active part of the overall community. For the past five years we have continued to provide information and advice, run our food hub and warm hub as well as promoting mental health in our community. We are a small but ambitious organisation and if you would like to make a positive change in people’s lives, we look forward to having you join us!

Romanian Tennis Cup

Romanian Tennis Cup

By rcct in News on April 30, 2024

This summer, on 23 June from 2pm, we will organise the first event of the Romanian Tennis Cup. The aim of the event is to promote sport as a means of wellbeing for our community members and showcase upcoming talents. For this event we have partnered with Colourfence and have planned a memorable day for those attending.

The entrance is free and the competition is open to all ages with prizes for the winners. BBQ and drinks will be available for a charge and the funds will be used towards the youth tennis programme. Depending on the number of participants we aim to have the following competition groups: men, women single and double as well as under-18 single and double. If you are interested in participating please contact

Pe 23 iunie de la ora 2pm vom organiza primul eveniment al Romanian Tennis Cup. Scopul acestui eveniment este sa promoveze sportul ca instrument pentru bunastare si sa descoperim noi talente in acest sport. Sponsorul acestui eveniment este Colourfence si pentru toti cei care vor participa planuim o zi memorabilia!

Intrarea este gratuita iar concursul este deschi tuturor varstelor cu premii pentru castigatori. Mancare si bauturi sunt disponibile contra cost in ziua evenimentului iar fondurile stranse vor fi folosite in programul pentru tinerii tenismeni. In functie de numarul de participanti dorim sa organizam concursuri pentru urmatoarele categorii: adulti barbati si femeii, single si double, copii sub 18 ani, single si double. Daca doriti sa va inscrieti va rugam sa ne trimiteti un email la

Bowel Cancer Awareness Month

Bowel Cancer Awareness Month

By rcct in Health on April 15, 2024

April is Bowel Cancer Awareness month and according to the latest statistics from OCDE it is one of the main cancers affecting the Romanian community for both men and women.

This is why on April 25 we are having representatives from Public Health from Brent come and give a presentations on how to spot the early signs and be aware of this type of cancer. The session will start at 1pm and it will be held at our Warm Hub, Livingstone House, 102A Watling Avenue, Burnt Oak, HA8 0LN. Attendance is free and refreshments are also provided.

Luna aprlie este luna dedicate informarii despre cancerul de colon. Conform ultimelor statistici de la OCDE, acest tip de cancer este printre principalele cancere care afecteaza atat barbatii cat si femeile romance.

Drept urmare va invitam la sesiunea de informare pe care o organizam impreuna cu reprezentatii NHS din Brent pentru a va familiariza cu simptomele acestui fel de cancer si afla cum poate fi prevenit. Sesiunea va incepe la ora 1 si se va desfasura la Warm Hub, Livingstone House, 102A Watling Avenue, Burnt Oak, HA8 0LN. Intrarea este gratuita si oferim si mici aperitive.



Healthy Harrow Champions- take two!

Healthy Harrow Champions- take two!

By rcct in Health on September 22, 2023

We are preparing for the second workshop facilitated by dr. Silvia Gerea as part of our project Healthy Harrow!

We are looking for new volunteers who would like to make a change in their life and those close to them. Dr. Silvia Gerea is a skilled psychologist and gifted public speaker and this will be a new opportunity to attend her presentation for becoming a Mental Health and Wellbeing Champion. At the end of the course you will have the skills and knowledge to be able to initiate a conversation around mental health. You will also know where and how someone can be referred to receive further help.

The workshop will take place 21 October between 12pm-4pm and is open to Romanian speakers living in Harrow.

Why not give us a call and book your place? For more details and information or 07311488110.

Healthy Harrow Champions

Healthy Harrow Champions

By rcct in Health, News on June 23, 2023

Avem bucuria de a anunța că facem parte din organizațiile a căror proiect a fost finanțat de către Harrow Giving Grants. Proiectul nostru se concentrează pe îmbunătățirea sănătății mintale a membrilor comunității românești din Harrow. 

Pentru a putea atinge acest scop, vom recruta voluntari care or deveni Campioni/ Champions ai sănătății mintale! Acești voluntari vor primi un curs intensiv de prim ajutor al sănătății mintale predat de către dr. Silvia Gerea. Silvia Gerea (AFBPsS, BA Hons, MSc, PhD, MBACP, MBABCP, Senior Associate MRSM, Reg.Scientist) este un psiholog român acreditat în UK cu o experiență extinsă. Acestea este al doilea proiect în care lucrăm împreună cu Dr. Gerea în sprijinul comunității.

Vor fi două sesiuni una organizată pe 15 iulie și a doua pe 24 octombrie la care vor fi formate două grupuri separate de Campioni.

După training, scopul Campionilor este să meargă în comunitate și să împărtășească din informațiile primite și să elimine stigma atunci când vorbim despre sănătatea mintală.

Aceste sesiuni sunt organizate gratis și sunt deschise vorbitorilor de limba română care locuiesc în Harrow. Vă rugăm să ne scrieți la dacă doriți să participați.